
Do You Offer Clear Career Development Methods?

Offering clear development methods is essential for business success. This emphasizes opportunities to add more value and advance within the company.

As a result, managers must look beyond the skills their employees need to fulfill their current job duties to promote career development. Managers also should focus on the skills their employees developed through previous roles, current interests, and hobbies that support advancement within the organization.

Follow these guidelines to offer clear career development methods within your company.

Prioritize Agility

Use technology to break jobs into projects. Then, let your employees choose which projects to work on. This process distributes employees’ skills and contributions according to need. It also supports career development.

Dividing jobs into projects helps you better understand your talent. Knowing their strengths and capabilities helps your employees adapt to changing business conditions and priorities. This includes evolving customer demands and competitors entering the marketplace.

Developing your employees’ skills reduces the need for hiring. Your employees can take on project-based work as part of the learning process. This provides exposure to new situations, colleagues, and coworkers who can help with upskilling while completing work.

Using an internal talent marketplace promotes equity and inclusion. Managers have a larger pool of workers to draw from to gain the skills and competencies required for a project. This minimizes favoritism in deciding which employees get which roles. It also increases engagement, performance, and productivity.

Inventory Employees’ Skills

Maintain a list of each employee’s current and desired skills. This helps managers understand the talent pool they have to draw from to complete projects. It also lets employees take on new projects to develop their skill sets.

Managers can divide the work into projects, then determine which skills are required to complete the projects. Next, managers can match employees who have or want to develop relevant skills to the appropriate project roles. This promotes career development.

You can use technologies that evaluate resumes, LinkedIn profiles, or your human capital management system to create your skills inventory. Then, you can ask employees to add or modify the skills in their profiles. You can use the information to match the right employee with the right skill level to the right project role.

Develop Adjacent Skills

Implement technology to help employees develop skills related to the ones they have. For instance, a programmer who is fluent in one language could learn to code in another language. This process makes it easier for employees to connect with colleagues and coworkers who can help them upskill. It also provides employees with clear career development methods.

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How Can Leaders Build Accountability Within the Workforce?

Building accountability within the workforce is essential for creating high-performing teams. Employees must take ownership of making decisions, solving problems, and resolving issues.

Employees who take responsibility for their actions find ways to fix their mistakes. They learn what went wrong, how to improve, and how to do better next time.

Encouraging accountability in the workforce promotes trust among employees and leaders. This leads to greater autonomy, creativity, and innovation.

Accountability within the workforce means employees own their decisions, behaviors, and results. This improves employee engagement, performance, and productivity. It also increases job satisfaction, employee morale, and retention rates.

Leaders can implement these tips to build accountability within the workforce.

Set Team Goals  

Clarify what employees are working toward and how success will be measured. Ensure the goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Include the objectives and key results for each goal. Making the goals trackable promotes accountability within the workforce.

Share how each employee’s role in attaining a goal impacts the organization. This clarifies employee expectations on both the individual and team levels.

Emphasize Accountability During Meetings

Use individual and team meetings to discuss ways to build accountability within the workforce. Consider asking employees the following questions:

  • What should we begin doing as a team?
  • Do you want more or less guidance from me on your work?
  • Are you receiving enough feedback, or is there an area where you desire more?
  • Do you feel you need more coaching or support in any part of your job?
  • How can we improve collaboration among our team?

Assign Action Items

Review each participant’s tasks and deadlines when concluding meetings. Then, email a summary of each action item, who is responsible, and when the deadline is.

When a deadline comes, follow up to determine whether the employee completed the task. Thank the employees who finish their tasks on time.

Talk with employees whose tasks are incomplete. Discuss the reasons why and how you can help. Take appropriate action to build accountability within the workforce.

Provide Constructive Feedback

Privately share with each employee examples of what they are doing well, what they can do better, and specific suggestions for improvement. Show that you care about the employee and want the best for them. Offer to help however you can.

Set up a time to check back with the employee about their performance. Determine whether they implemented your feedback or must take additional action. Proceed accordingly.

Lead by Example

Model the behavior you want to see from the workforce. This includes showing up on time for meetings, finishing tasks by the deadline, and admitting mistakes. Employees should follow suit.

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Daily Remote Work Habits That Make You a Better Employee

Remote work provides benefits that onsite work does not. Among them is the freedom of having no commute and the flexibility of working where you choose.

However, this freedom and flexibility can lead to issues. They include potentially overworking and experiencing burnout.

As a result, you must establish healthy remote work habits to improve your work-life balance. The following suggestions can help.

Develop these daily remote work habits to be a better employee.

Establish Your Workspace

Determine where you will perform your work. This may be in your home office, a guest room, or a section of your kitchen table.

Let the people you live with know that when you are in this area, you are working. They are not to disturb you unless there is an emergency.

You need uninterrupted time to get in the zone to complete your tasks. This promotes creativity and productivity. It also makes you a better remote employee.

Set Your Work Hours

Determine which work hours best fit your professional and personal needs. Adhere to these hours as much as possible.

You may be tempted to work longer hours because you do not have a commute. However, overworking can lead to mental health concerns and burnout.

As a result, aim to work a reasonable number of hours each day. Be sure you reach your deadlines and still have adequate time for other interests. These actions make you a better remote employee.

Prioritize Your Tasks

Determine which tasks need to be completed and when. Schedule them accordingly.

If you are unsure about your top priorities, talk with your manager. They can go over your objectives and help you plan your day or week.

Take Breaks

Include regular breaks throughout your day. Get up and walk around. Stretch, meditate, read, or listen to music. Come back refreshed and ready to work.

Regularly taking breaks, including an hour for lunch, lets your brain rest. This helps you be more focused and creative when you resume working. It also makes you a better employee.

Communicate with Your Team

Let your manager know what you are working on throughout the day. Include your accomplishments and what still needs to be done.

Share with your teammates relevant information that impacts their work. This is especially important for team projects.

Ask for and offer help when needed. This makes you an effective remote employee.

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Ways to Find a Job You Will Love!

Finding a job you will love can be challenging. You might apply to a job posting, interview for the role, and discover the position or company was not what you expected. As a result, the job does not turn into a long-term relationship.

A job you will love fits where you are in your career and where you are going. It serves as a stepping stone you will enjoy for an extended period of time.

Conversely, if you accept the wrong job and it does not work out, you have to start your search over. This takes additional time to find the right match.

As a result, focus on finding a job you will love rather than settling for less than what you want. These tips can help.

Follow these guidelines to find a job you will love!

Write Down What You Want

Make a list of the most essential traits that attract you to a job. You may want to complete a career assessment for guidance.

Use your list of qualities to search for jobs online. You can find roles that match your skills, experience, and interests.


Talk with your professional connections about your search for a job you will love. Include the type of position you seek, your skills and experience, and other relevant information.

The members of your network may know of opportunities that fit what you are looking for. Or, they might introduce you to hiring managers or other professionals who can help with your job search.

Set up informational interviews with employees in roles like the one you desire. Find out more about what they do and why they enjoy it. Determine whether the position is a good fit for you.

Consider Company Culture

Determine whether the company’s mission, vision, and values fit with your personality and beliefs. Include how the organization is structured, what the work schedule is, and whether there are opportunities for advancement.

Read online employee reviews of the company. See what current and former employees have to say about how things are done. Use your findings to determine whether you would love the job or should continue your search.

Ask Questions

Bring a list of questions to ask employers during interviews. Include the topics that are most important to you when deciding where to work.

Ask to meet your potential manager and colleagues. The people you might work with affect the job offer you accept.

If you need additional time to consider a job offer, ask for it. Set a reasonable time for the employer to hear back from you.

Ready to Find a Job You Will Love?

Work with RightStone to find a job you will love. Visit our job board today.

Set Employees Up for Success with a Great Onboarding Process

Bringing a new hire on board takes time and planning. Your new hire’s experience acclimating to your company impacts their attitude about the work, their team, and your employer brand.

A great onboarding process prepares your new hire to become productive and successful in your organization. It helps develop an understanding of your company culture and how to fulfill the job duties and responsibilities.

Your onboarding process must help your new hire feel welcome and included. This promotes engagement, team cohesion, and retention.

Follow these guidelines to create a great onboarding process that sets up your employees for success.

Clarify Company Policies and Procedures

Give your new hire a copy of the employee handbook. Go over the relevant information.

Talk about how your new hire should go about their daily activities. Include where to find the necessary resources to maximize productivity.

Provide an Onboarding Buddy

Partner your new hire with a teammate to provide guidance. The teammate can show your new hire around, answer questions, and help resolve issues.

Matching your new hire with a seasoned partner helps build security and team cohesion. It also sets up your new hire for success in your organization.

Frequently Communicate

Regular communication with your new hire helps orient them to the job and work priorities. It also provides a clear picture of the reporting structure and an understanding of the business processes and procedures.

Provide clear expectations and milestones throughout the onboarding process. Include how progress and success will be measured.

Letting your new hire know what to expect helps them see their movement toward goals. It also helps them feel secure and succeed in their position.

Emphasize Inclusion

Share with your new hire your company resources for inclusion. This may include introducing your new hire to peers with common traits, hobbies, or interests. It also might involve educating your new hire on your employee resource groups (ERGs).

Prioritizing inclusion helps your new hire navigate the work environment and feel like a valued member of your company. This promotes appreciation, respect, and loyalty within your organization.

Request Feedback

Regularly ask your new hire for constructive feedback on your onboarding process. Find out what they like best, what can improve, and specific suggestions to do better.

Improving your onboarding process enhances the employee experience. This increases employee engagement, performance, and productivity throughout their tenure with your organization.

Need Help with Your Onboarding Process?

Partner with RightStone for help developing a great onboarding process. Get started today.

5 Tips to Improve and Encourage Employee Engagement

Employee engagement measures how strongly employees feel connected to their work and employer. This includes employees’ motivation to perform their best, commitment to the organization, and desire to refer others to the company.

Sustainable employee engagement is based on intrinsic motivation. This includes mastery, autonomy, and purpose.

Your employees’ engagement levels impact their performance, productivity, and morale. It also affects retention and your bottom line.

Engaged employees are passionate, energetic, and committed to your organization. They go above and beyond to support company strategy and elevate your employer brand.

As a result, you must do what you can to improve and encourage employee engagement. Here are some suggestions.

Choose among these five tips to improve and encourage employee engagement.

1. Live Your Company’s Culture

Convey your company’s mission, vision, and values in your behaviors. This encourages your employees to follow suit. It also shows they are part of something bigger than they are.

Using your actions to demonstrate your culture enhances the work environment. It also adds meaning to your employees’ jobs.

Living your company’s culture shows your values align with business functions. This encourages buy-in from your employees.

Employees who understand the company’s culture feel inspired. This encourages employee engagement.

2. Prioritize Onboarding

Your onboarding process impacts how your employees view your company and their jobs. It helps your new hires align with company culture and understand how their role impacts your organization.

Use your onboarding process to show what makes your company unique and why your new hire’s role is essential for team and business success. Include information about the role and expectations. This promotes employee engagement.

3. Emphasize Career Development

Work with each employee to customize a career development plan. Include the knowledge, skills, and experience required to advance within your organization.

Provide the necessary training and development to move to more senior roles. This may include stretch assignments, cross-training, or mentoring. It also could involve seminars, conferences, or classes. Having a clear path for advancement supports employee engagement and retention.

4. Provide Employee Recognition

Regularly point out each employee’s accomplishments. Include the actions your employee took, their results, and how they impacted the organization. Provide a bonus, pay increase, or promotion when appropriate.

Recognizing your employees shows you appreciate their contributions and results. This encourages employee motivation, performance, and engagement.

5. Encourage Feedback

Remind your employees to give and receive constructive feedback. This helps your employees feel informed, heard, and respected.

Your employees can uncover inefficiencies in performing their work and suggest improvements. This enhances work processes and creates a more productive environment.

Consistently finding ways to improve employee and company performance helps reach career and business goals. This encourages employee engagement.

Need to Improve Employee Engagement?

Partner with RightStone to help improve employee engagement. Learn more today.

What Should You Take Into Account Before Learning an In-Demand Skill?

Being proficient with an in-demand skill makes you attractive to employers. Many companies are offering high salaries and competitive benefits to technologists with specialized skills.

However, knowing which in-demand skills are most desirable can be challenging. Understanding which tech skills are popular in the job market can help you determine which one to pursue.

If you want to develop an in-demand skill, now may be the time to start. Knowing how to approach the process can help you map out the steps to attain your goal.

Follow these guidelines to learn an in-demand skill that can benefit your tech career.

Research the Skill

Data science, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and augmented reality (AR) are among the most in-demand skills. These skills will be increasingly important for years to come.

However, before deciding which in-demand skill to pursue, do some research. Find out which related skills you should learn, the certifications you should earn, and the job opportunities available. This gives you a clearer sense of whether you should pursue the skill.

Gather Feedback

Talk with tech professionals for advice on the in-demand skill. Find out how and what to learn and which issues to avoid.

Gathering feedback on the skill helps guide your path to learning about it. This may include whether you should develop the skill on your own or take specific classes.

Talk with Your Manager About Upskilling

Find out whether your manager will cover your education, training, and certification for the in-demand skill. Emphasize the benefits the company receives from employee upskilling.

Your manager may have part of the budget allocated for employee educational activities. If so, the business might cover your professional development expenses.

Publish Independent Work

When you become certified in the in-demand skill, create an independent project to demonstrate your abilities. Then, share your results on GitHub or your personal website.

Publishing an independent project helps you stand out among other tech professionals. It also can help you land a role focused on your new skill.

Ready to Advance Your Tech Career?

When the time comes to land a job with your new skill, make RightStone part of your search. Here is a link to our job board.

7 Tips to Start Your IT Career Search

The start of a new year is a great time to start a new job. This may include changing your career to IT.

Starting your IT career search can be challenging. You may be unsure of which path to take or how to enter the field.

Developing a plan to start your IT career search helps you map the steps to reach your goals. Working with a staffing agency that specializes in IT also can be beneficial.

Follow these guidelines to start your IT career search today.

1. Determine Your Career Goals

Understand the type of IT career you want before you begin looking for roles.

  • Focus on your dream job.
  • Include the type, size, and culture of the company you want to work for.
  • Think about the salary, benefits, and perks you desire.
  • Determine the types of jobs that can lead to your dream role.
  • Focus your search on jobs that align with your career path.

2. Update Your LinkedIn Profile

Show you have the qualifications needed for the IT position you desire.

  • Ensure your contact information, profile statement, and profile summary are current.
  • Include your relevant education, skills, work history, and certification.
  • Request endorsements from previous supervisors, managers, colleagues, and coworkers.

3. Create a Digital Portfolio

Use your digital portfolio to display examples of your work.

  • Showcase how your projects benefitted an employer.
  • Include quantitative results from your work.
  • Demonstrate how your skills can add value for your next employer.
  • Include a link to your digital portfolio in your resume and LinkedIn profile.

4. Network

Set up informational interviews with technologists in roles similar to the one you desire.

  • Connect with relevant IT professionals through LinkedIn.
  • Ask if you can talk for 30 minutes about their job, company, and career path.
  • Develop three to five questions that can guide your IT career search.
  • Determine whether a position may be right for you.
  • Find out whether the technologist knows of any job openings or can introduce you to a hiring manager.

5. Apply for Jobs

Customize your resume to the role you desire.

  • Include your relevant education, skills, experience, and certifications.
  • Share your relevant achievements, quantifiable results, and awards.
  • Use keywords from the job posting throughout your resume.
  • Show you are well-qualified for the position.

6. Customize Your Cover Letter

Your cover letter provides information not included in your resume.

  • Discuss whether you are beginning or changing your career.
  • Explain any gaps in your work experience.
  • Show how your qualifications make you stand out from other applicants.
  • Clarify why you are the best candidate for the position.

7. Practice Interviewing

Engage in mock interviews.

  • Research the company you want to work for.
  • Practice answering interview questions.
  • Prepare questions for the interviewer.
  • Monitor your body language.

Partner with an IT Staffing Agency

Partner with a recruiter from RightStone for guidance throughout your IT career search. Visit our job board today.

Ask Your Employees These 6 Trust-Building Questions

Creating a cohesive team requires trust. You must trust your employees to complete quality work on time. Also, your employees must trust they will be compensated for their contributions.

Building trust can be especially difficult when you have new, introverted, or remote employees. However, trust is essential to help your employee remain engaged, productive, and loyal to the organization.

Asking questions and actively listening to the answers is an effective way to build trust with your employees. Questions lead to conversations. Conversations build engagement and trust.

Ask your employees these six trust-building questions to increase cohesion among your team.

1. What is a great movie you recently watched?

Talking about movies helps your employees feel like they are talking with a casual friend. This promotes a casual work environment. You may learn about a movie that interests you. Watching it can help you connect with your employees on a personal level.

2. Can you recommend a book you recently read?

The types of books your employees read provide insight into their minds. You can learn about your employees’ thoughts, philosophies, and sense of morality. You also can uncover whether you like the same types of books or authors. This promotes mental connections.

3. What is the strangest meal you ever ate?

Your employees may have eaten tarantulas, snails, or other exotic food. Talking about these experiences promotes a relaxed atmosphere. It also helps you get to know your employees on a deeper level.

4. Do you prefer beer, wine, or neither?

Most employees enjoy humorous discussions about alcohol. You can use this topic to determine whether any of your employees prefer nonalcoholic beverages. This helps you provide appropriate beverages when you host an event.

5. If you could develop a new skill in 10 minutes, which skill would you choose?

Understanding the skills your employees are interested in is important. These skills indicate potential goals and career paths for your employees. You can implement training programs to help your employees reach their goals and advance their careers.

6. Which emerging technological innovation will significantly impact the industry in the next five years?

Find out what your employees think about the future of your industry. Also, determine where they see themselves working long-term. Talk about whether there are opportunities within your organization that may interest your employees. Discussing internal career advancement elevates employee retention.

Do You Need to Hire More Employees?

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Tech Industry Outlook for 2023

The coronavirus pandemic significantly impacted the tech industry for the past few years. Although the use of technology increased in many areas, such as videoconferencing platforms, it also decreased in other areas, such as the Internet of Things (IoT).

Understanding the tech industry outlook for 2023 provides insight into how your industry and company may be affected. This lets you strategically plan and hire employees in line with your expectations.

Learn about the tech industry outlook for 2023 and how your company may be impacted.

Internet of Things

IoT Analytics estimates there will be 30 billion IoT device connections by 2025. This averages out to be four IoT devices per person.

International Data Corporation’s 2020 Worldwide Internet of Things Spending Guide estimates global IoT spending will attain a compound annual growth rate of 11.3% during the 2020 to 2024 forecast period. This data indicates the steadily growing use of IoT.

IoT devices are popular in the form of connected lights, smart refrigerators, and other items in smart homes. Smart glass, activity trackers, and other wearable technologies also use IoT applications. Urban safety monitoring, traffic and waste management, and water distribution in smart cities use IoT technologies as well.

Security is the top concern for IoT-connected devices. Hacks, data breaches, information leakage, and other attacks are common. Because IoT-connected devices do not come with security features, these features must be added.

5G Networks

5G networks offer faster transmission speed than almost all home broadband. As a result, what used to be done only through computers can now be done with smart devices.

IoT devices can interconnect more smoothly using 5G networks than 4G networks. Also, 5G networks let drones, autonomous cars, and smart cities carry out more complex operations than 4G networks.

Currently, 5G networks are available only in certain countries and areas. Also, greater bandwidth means less coverage and more signal drops. Additional cells must be built to support the network’s high speed. Plus, the networks may be unable to penetrate walls and other materials.


Chatbots simulate conversations with humans. These bots use artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP) to provide customer service for companies.

Chatbots are being used by more businesses than before. These bots serve as responsive, intelligent, conversational agents. They significantly decrease the amount of time and money spent on answering questions and filling customer requests.

Chatbot development is impacted by developments in NLP. As a result, customers may become frustrated when chatbots give limited or repetitive answers.

Chatbots with robust and complex functionalities are costly. Therefore, companies may not have the budget to use them as customer service tools.

The IT Labor Market Will Be Tight

If you need help hiring tech professionals, include RightStone in your process. Find out more today.