
Spring is a Time for New Beginnings: Should a New Job Be One of Them?

Leaving the cold, dark days of winter behind always brings a sense of renewal. For some people, things start to feel easier, and some of the past stress falls away. Your job feels easier, your tasks less stifling.

But sometimes, spring can be a chance to try something new. A new job can set you up for an excellent spring, summer, and even career.

Is it time to be looking for a new job? Here are a few signs that it’s time to move on.

1. You’re Unmotivated Even in the Sun

For many people, cold dark winters can zap the productivity right out of us, even if you aren’t engaged with your job. Often, the good weather can make even bleak days feel brand new.

But if your Sunday Scaries persist even into April, May, and June, the issue may not be the weather. It may be your job.

Rather than waiting for something to change, it may be time to create that change for yourself.

2. You’re Browsing Job Boards

Do you find yourself on LinkedIn or other job boards just to see what else is out there?

If you are looking at new posts and thinking seriously about applying, then there’s likely something amiss in your current job. Subconsciously, you may not feel challenged or believe you’ll get the growth opportunities you want. Or you could be looking for a different culture or benefits.

No matter what’s on your mind, if you read job advertisements with interest, it may be time to start making a move for a new role.

3. You’re Struggling to Recover Each Week

Do you start every Monday feeling even more tired than you did on Friday? Are you struggling to make the most of your time off? It may be time for a new job.

The ability to rest, refresh, and recover from a workweek is a core part of staying engaged in your current role. If the job or the culture won’t allow you to take a beat and breathe, then it may be better to get out before you burn out.


Do you recognize some of the feelings described in this post? RightStone can help. Get in touch to learn how the RightStone 360 process perfectly matches consultants with employers.

Change of Scenery – 5 Signs It’s Time to Look for a New Job

“I need a new job.” It’s a thought that dawns on everyone at some point, but for most people, the time to look for a new job pops up before those words enter your mind.

Some of the signs it’s time to start job hunting are subtle, and others much less so. Here are five indicators that you have one foot out the door.

You Aren’t Getting Paid What You’re Worth

In the time since you started your current job, you have grown your skills and capabilities. But does your salary reflect it?

If not, then you may need to job hunt. Even if you’re “happy enough,” being underpaid prevents you from investing in yourself, and it could hold you back in your career.

You Get the Sunday Scaries Every Week

Everyone has at least one Sunday when they wish they could skip the return to the office. But if you dread going back to work every single week or even every day then it’s time to find a job that you’ll enjoy.

Your Boss Isn’t Good at Their Job

Do you find that your boss is constantly behind or out of the loop? Are there skills they need but don’t have and don’t seem to be willing to get?

If you consistently outperform your boss, then you may need to look for a new job. Not only does an inadequate management team hold the company back, but they ultimately stop you from reaching your potential.

You’re Still Doing the Same Tasks You Started With

Are you still doing the rote tasks your boss assigned on day one? If everything about your role is the same but the stress levels are higher, then it might be time to start job hunting.

Your role should push your boundaries and challenge you in ways that stimulate growth. If you are stuck in neutral, then it may be time for a new role.

You Find Yourself Browsing Job Boards Just In Case

People who are satisfied with their job don’t browse job boards. Browsing job boards means acknowledging there’s something better out there and you want it.

So if you find yourself browsing LinkedIn or thinking about talking to a recruiter, then it’s time to commit and start your job hunt.

If you recognize any of these signs, then there’s a good chance you’ll either be looking for a job soon, or you’re already looking subconsciously.

Are you looking for a new role in 2021? At RightStone, we use a unique process to perfectly match candidates with clients by finding roles suited to your skills and personality. Get in touch to learn more about what we do.