The cybersecurity forecast for the coming year includes anticipating and responding to new threats. The growing sophistication of cyber threats is expected to result in increased data breaches.
Phishing, business email compromise, and insider threats will continue to trend throughout 2024. Misconfigurations of code and a lack of skilled cybersecurity workers are expected to contribute to these trends.
The increasing connectivity of people and devices continues to blend the physical and digital worlds. As a result of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and other innovative technologies, the need for cybersecurity increases.
The growth of connectivity due to the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G technology, supply chain technology, and remote work significantly increases the cyberattack surface. As a result, cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated as they search for vulnerabilities:
Polymorphic malware continues to change to evade detection. If a malware strain becomes known for having specific properties, then slight changes can be made to create new properties. As a result, endless malware files can become unique enough not to be recognized as malware.
Polymorphic code can be used to:
You can implement these methods to anticipate and respond to cybersecurity threats:
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